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Test your general knowledge with our fun free quizzes. Our collection of online quizzes covers a wide variety of topics, including animals, countries of the world, soccer, movies, history, and literature. Get ready to give your brain a workout and go head-to-head with your friends while you brush up on your general knowledge. With thousands of questions at your disposal, you’re sure to learn something new!

Countries of the world

Are you a seasoned explorer? Our collection of quizzes on the countries of the world is designed to test your knowledge of geography, with difficulty levels ranging from beginner to expert. Discover the countries of Europe and the Americas, world capitals, flags, and continents! If you think you know France, Japan, or Canada, why not put your knowledge to the test? Join us on a whirlwind trip around the world!


Harry Potter was born on July 31, 1980. True or false? Check out our collection of movie quizzes to find out! Test your knowledge of legendary actors; renowned directors; Disney, Star Wars, and Marvel movies; and, of course, Harry Potter! This quiz collection has hundreds of questions about movies that are sure to entertain and inform movie buffs.

The great wars

Welcome to our quiz section on history’s pivotal wars. Explore fascinating topics like World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War, the Cold War, revolutions, historical conflicts, and much more. Test your knowledge of the events, players, and consequences of the major wars that have shaped our world. Whether you’re a history buff or a student studying for your final exams, our quizzes are designed to entertain and educate!

Animal quizzes

Curious about the animals we share our planet with? We’ve got the quiz for you! Whether you’re an expert in zoology or just love animals, you’ll discover fascinating facts about marine animals, insects, cats, dogs, and even pangolins!


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